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More Features

General Features

1. Fully Integrated System (frontoffice and backoffice)
2. User Friendly Screen Entry
3. One Page Reports for Management
4. Passport System
5. Touch Screen
6. SmartCard ( optional, with additional adjustment fee )
7. FingerScan ( optional, with additional adjustment fee )

Membership Module
1. Can handle many type of member.
2. Control the member status direct connects to the front office and account receivable system,
such as Active,Suspend
3. Cover detail member information.
4. Source Member
5. Include family , such as Spouse & Children
6. Cover Transferable Membership
7. Cover Information about Corporate and Individual Membership
8. Cover email address
9. Cover Membership photo
10. Control Expired Membership
11. Flexibility setting member Dues / Monthly Fee
12. Historical transferable membership
13. Full Report in connection with the Member, such as:
Print Labels, Membership Activity, Day Of Week Member Analysis, etc. The report is presented in the form of text and graphics


Golf Operation & Reservation Module
1. On line System between Receptionist, porter, starter & caddy master.
2. User friendly and fast key in transaction.
3. Can handle many type of booking such as Regular, Using, Monthly Medal, Tournament
4. Flexibility tee time set up
5. Booking Confirmation
6. Booking Sheet
7. Accept many types of payment and analyses report base on each type of payment.
8. Covers many type of player and create analyses report base on each type of player
in daily, weekly and monthly.
9. Connect with the membership system to check the status of the member that
check in the receptionist (suspend or deleted), including the photo of member.
10. Automatically adjust the price according to the weekday, weekend and holiday rate.
11. Will replace almost all manual report daily that currently exist in front office activities.
12. Player Analysis Report (member / guest) with a variety of forms such as: Based on time: Morning / Afternoon, Daily, Weekly and Monthly.
The report is presented in the form of text and graphics
13. Supervisor Level to change the transaction that has been printed bill
or the transaction has paid off
14. Record the cancellation of bill
15. Record marking how many times the same bill was printed.


Restaurant and Point Of Sales Module
1. The system on-line inter cashier receptionist with outlets such as restaurants, Proshop, Driving Range and other outlets
2. Data member / guest who check in will become integrated with the terminal outlets such as restaurants, Proshop and other outlets.
3. Facilities Payment Group
4. Facilities Separate Bill
5. Receipt of payment types, such as: cash, credit cards, complimentary, AR Charges, Folio Charges, Vouchers and other payment types
6. Prevention should not be the cancellation of a bill that has been printed
7. Prevention of changes in items that have been printed.
8. Recording how many times the same bill was printed.
9. Directly related to the Inventory Control module relating to the sale of goods that are inventory.
10. Facilities Open Service, Open Food and Open Beverages to restaurants and report analysis.
11. A variety of reports both in terms of sales analysis cashier, waiter, and items of goods sold. Based on time: Morning / Afternoon, Daily, Weekly and Monthly. The report is presented in the form of text and graphics


BackOffice Modules
1. General Ledger Module
– Connect with Account Payable Module,Account Receivable Module,Inventory Control Module
– Sub Account and Division
– Flexibility Financial Report Format
– Analysis Account and Budget

2. Account Payable Module
– Connect with Purchase Journal Module and General Ledger Module
– Age Analysis Report
– Can handle many type of vendor

3. Account Receivable
– Connect with Membership Module, Golf Registration Module and General Ledger Module
– Age Analysis Report
– Can handle many type of customer or member

4. Inventory Control
– Connect with Point Of Sales, Purchase Journal Module and General Ledger Module
– Stock Movement Report
– Can handle many type of stock

5. Purchase Journal
– Connect with Inventory Module and General Ledger Module
– Market List
– Direct Purchase
– Daftar Perbandingan Harga

General System Flow